claw tubs

Monday, March 15, 2010

I know it is Monday and today is normally the day that I give a little re-cap on the weekend but I think that Tuesday will have to be my Monday this week. We just got back from Aspen and I need a bit to regroup. We went to visit my dad and had a fabulous trip... more on that later.
For today I thought I would post some bathroom inspiration for our remodel. We are very close to finalizing the plans and sending them out to bid. The one thing that I am most excited about is the master bath. Our bathroom right now is 6'x6' {seriously}. I cannot wait to take a bubble bath in a claw tub {now I just need to find one and decide what color I am going to paint it}.

{I love the claw shower, not in the plans but worth a mention}


  1. did you paint the claws on the tub? what kind of paint did you use? my claws are brass, but would love to paint them. Thanks.


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