Claire cakes!

Friday, October 16, 2009

If you are anywhere close to Solana Beach this weekend {well even in a 35 mile radius... yes it is that good}. Please go to Claire's on Cedros and get their Pumpkin Pancakes. If you have never been to Claire's then you must go. It is the first LEED certified, free standing restaurant in the United States {Ross just made me check my facts because he said that was "obtuse" but bang! I was right}. I digress... Any way it is amazing!, all organic and delicious... For lunch I suggest the heirloom salad but for breakfast I am LOVE LOVE loving the Pumpkin pancakes. Have a great weekend!!


  1. Andrea and I went there last week and I had...the Heirloom Tomato Salad! Divine. We had the most amazing pumpkin rolls with our salads - meaning I MUST go for the pun'kin pancakes. I take your word for it - they have to be delish. First LEED certified - epic, and in Solana Beach!

  2. You are addicted!


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