orange, blueberry, mint refresher.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


to make one refresher:

1 handful of fresh blueberries

3 springs of mint leaves {no stems}

1 tablespoon of simple syrup*

1/2 cup soda water

1/2 cup fresh squeezed OJ

Muddle the blueberries, mint and simple syrup. Add the soda water and OJ. Stir and enjoy. If it's past 4:30 {wink} add some vodka for something extra fresh.

*simple syrup is just one cup water to one cup sugar boiled down to a divine little elixir. Cooled and stored in your fridge for a morning espresso, cocktails or spritzers.


  1. I'm be right over and seeing how it's 4:32 on the east coast, I'll take mine with that splash of vodka. :) Thanks, doll.

  2. you might be the only person who can make me like the hard stuff. xo


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