scenes from the weekend {via hipstamatic}

Monday, June 28, 2010


This was such a nice weekend. On Saturday my stepmom came down and spent the day with Henry so all my girlie's and I could sit by the pool for our birthdays. It was the best. If you are local I have a new favorite spot, the Rancho Bernardo Inn. We sat by the pool and drank fun blueberry~honey~vodka cocktails and talked about upcoming weddings, babies to be, oxybenzone, and just life in general... It was so much fun. Love you girls thanks for such a special day for Nicole, Julie and I. Sunday was a lazy day that started with breakfast burritos at the beach and ended with takeout and a movie {we saw Mammoth... OMG... I have to say it was good BUT sooo depressing... so if you like to be depressed it is a must rent}. Hope you all had a nice summer weekend.

Side note: I bought my first app and I am pretty obsessed. I feel like you could take a photo of a rock with Hipstamtic and it would look amazing. What other apps do I need to know about?... do tell.


  1. I'm sitting here nursing my little sweetie in the dark and am sad I can't squeal with delight at that app!! So rad!! I was just wanting something just like this. We had a birthday weekend too celebrating my son, my brother and my birthday. It looks like you had a great weekend too!

  2. Blueberry-honey-vodka....yum!
    I love Grocery IQ.

  3. Wow, is pretty much all I can say. The photos look amazing and the day with your girls sounds completely dreamy.

    P.S. Think I'll pass on the depression inducing movie. I probably wouldn't handle that very well. But I'll take that cocktail anytime.

  4. I just checked out the RBI site and it looks amazing! I want to go for a day at the spa. So happy that you could enjoy a day with the girls.

    I am jealous of your cool app.

  5. Love the app... I'm still in the dark ages. But, i'm trying to get hip! Need to check out that sight. Thanks for the heads up!

    Looks like you all had a blast... I love girly time! Fun, fun, fun!


  6. this is the first app i ever bought too and yes it is addicting! so happy you had fun celebrating with friends:) i'll compile a list of fun apps and email them to you:) there are a TON on my phone!

  7. These look awesome! Told you it was the best app ever :)


  8. It was the best time! RB Inn was awesome, love the app I need to find one for my phone ;) XOXO Nic

  9. Your weekend looks like so much fun! I love that app too and have become quite addicted (I have purchased all the film and lens packs). Shake it Photo is a fun Polaroid app you should try out too.

  10. Hm. I am the last to get an iPhone and this pictures aren't helping.

  11. What fun! That cake looks amazing and so does the day by the pool!! Happy Birthday!!

  12. hi. just discovered your blog. =) shazam, words with friends, and urban spoon are all great apps.

    think i might need to make a little trek to the rancho bernardo inn for a little blueberry honey pool side fun!

  13. Happy birthday Alexis! Your pool day sounds amazing and that blueberry, honey, vodka drink? Seriously?! I want one now:) Glad you had a great birthday weekend!:)

  14. Happy Belated Birthday Girlie! Looks like you know exactly how to celebrate ~ love it!

    and I'm passing this hipstamatic onto my Big Daddy....he will love this!


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