chickens... pretty please

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

fern and feather

I think that Henry needs chickens. We visited a friend with chickens and I cannot stop thinking of them. I honestly don't know if I can do mommy, wife, 90 lb dog owner, Art Barner, Blogger + chicken farmer but let's just say it has been fun to think about. I have started researching coops. There is one called the Omlet that I am especially smitten for. Did I mention how tasty the eggs were that we took home; green ones, white ones, brown ones, pinky look'n ones? Oh and they were so soft and gentle. Am I nuts?


  1. not at all..would be soo cool..and very environmentally friendly!!

  2. I have chickens and am all of the above (except the art barner) and we LOVE our chickens. Let me know if you have any questions. You're not nuts at all.

  3. The rooster was thinking about getting chickens & having a little coop on the side patio. My all time "favorite" store in Santa Barbara has one... Too die for!!! Climbing white roses next to it, shutters on the coop entrance & a gravel/cobblestone walkway just for the chickens. Gorgeouse! Hmmm I think you should do it & tell me the ins & outs of having one. LOL Great idea {shhhh kind of messy & time consuming for me}!


  4. I want chickens too!! Let me know if you take the plunge :)

  5. okay you are all really egging me on {sorry bad joke}.

    Sarah.... I am totally emailing you with questions.

  6. I want some chickens in the worst way - but we have zoning ordinances that prevent it. How I would love a few pullets . . .

  7. Besides your research of coops do one on the care of poultry. we had 25+ laying hens on the ranch when i was growing up, my mother mainly took care of them and sold the extra eggs. they are rewarding but like anything else need a certain type of care and of course have certain dietary needs. helping w/chicken chores and then getting to do them alone (responsibility!) is one of my fonder childhood memories. i just recently discovered your site and i think it's just beyond lovely. i look forward to visiting often.

  8. You are crazy. I have no idea how you do everything as it is! I can barely keep my dishes clean. Chickens? If you get some, you'll be my domestic idol.

  9. H's hair is so curly! Love it!

    ...and yes, you are nuts. thats the way I like you :)

  10. Hey girl, if I can have them so can you. The first week was definitely interesting, but then you just fall in love. Bring Henry by anytime for a little chicken love.

  11. not at all nuts, we're totally doing it! we've been wanting to for a long time, and as soon as barrett gets a bit older we're going to build our own coop and have the best eggs all the time. they're not that hard to keep up with, and so fun for kids to have and learn responsibility.

  12. i live in santa barbara, can you please ask rustic rooster interiors which store she's talking about here, i'd love to go see! thanks!


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