This photo seemed perfect for the first blog of a new decade. One lovely rose that has blossomed into a new one {just spotted in our garden}.
I believe that if you write your hopes & dreams down they have a better chance of manifesting and I also think the more people who know about your intentions the more powerful they are. So I am shamelessly going to share my intentions and I would LOVE to hear yours.
1 - write one letter every week that goes in the mail {the real mail} with a stamp
2 - tell Ross how grateful I am... more often
3 - simply sit & play with Henry {without a phone, notebook or needle & thread}
4 - continue to feed & water F&F so that I can watch it grow
Great intentions! # 2 & 3 really stick to my heart... I'm going to try them too! I love watching F & F Grow!