Saturday morning woke up to 'dada daDA DADA!' -- went with Ross & Henry to check the surf at Seaside -- took lots of photos of H in his rain boots -- worked in Art Barn -- listened to Christmas music and the rain on the tin roof -- made lots of gifts -- finished making cards -- stayed home all day -- took breaks to come inside and watch The Pipeline Masters -- saw Mick Fanning win the world title -- made a yummy dinner, seared ahi tuna, baked salmon, rice & greens -- woke up to a clear morning -- headed downtown San Diego to
The New Children's Museum -- took a pedicab to breakfast -- found great spot close to museum {
Cafe 222} -- with great anticipation walked up to museum door to find that the hours online were wrong -- museum does not open at 9am but at 12pm -- plan B, went to
Ruben H. Fleet Museum -- Henry had a blast at 'Kid City' -- went to IMAX and saw the
Adventures in Wild California -- Henry shocked Ross and I and sat through the entire show -- went home for nap -- went to Leucadia's Farmers Market for this week's veggies and fish --stuffed the rest of our cards -- went for a walk at Swami's with my guys at sunset

checking the surf
Lots & lots of paper garland was made this weekend. Check this week for how to {it is super easy}
Cafe 222, not only were their waffles great but they were super kid friendly, and just a couple blocks from the Children's Museum, this is a great stop before. I loved how they not only got H a cup with a lid and stray but they taped it down + gave him a placemat that stuck to the table with 'roll proof' crayons. Brilliant.
IMAX, this is just about when my motion sickness kicked in.

I am so happy that my cards are out in the universe today.
hey lex, are these your holiday cards? so cute! can i ask where you got the return stamp? did you have it made or is it printed on the envelope? thx
I had them made through Pica Press... www.picapress.com... everything they do is amazing!
ReplyDeletehow do to get the return stamp to look faded? so the ink is not so solid, and you see the paper through it. do you take some of the ink off before stamping it on the envelope? thanks!!