Simplicity Parenting Book Club {preview}

Friday, May 4, 2012


I just wanted to post a little reminder that Monday is the first day of our virtual book club. I decided that each chapter has so much in it that next week I am going to dedicate 6 days to discussing the book. Each day we will focus on a chapter and I have invited 6 lovely ladies to be my co-hosts. Even though we are all reading the same book our interpretations of the book are all going to be different and the way we impliment change in our families is going to be unique. For this reason I am beyond excited to see what my co-hosts come up with and can not wait to hear your comments. If you haven't started reading just work on Chapter one this weekend. If you plan on reading it later, you can always come back and reference the posts for next week.

I can't wait to hear what you all think. ox, Alexis

Monday, 5/7 - "Why Simplify" - Melissa, Reverie-Daydream
Tuesday, 5/8 - "Soul Fever" - Torrie, A Place to Share
Wednesday, 5/9 - "Environment" - Jennifer - The Humble Buttery
Thursday, 5/10 - "Rhythm" - Haydee - Happenstance
Friday, 5/11 - "Schedules" - Erin - Such Small Steps
Monday, 5/14 - "Filtering Out the Adult World" - Jora - Domestic Reflections

1 comment:

  1. fabulous idea - i can't wait! i just started this book. so excited to hear what everyone has to say.


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