Happy Love Day + a few random thoughts...

Monday, February 14, 2011




I hope you are all feeling especially loved today! I am looking forward to our little Valentine celebration tonight. I am not sure about dinner but I am dreaming up a super naughty, yummy desert. I can not wait to give Henry his little shirt with Pepe Le Pew that says 'Love Stinks.'
It has been so beautiful here lately... we had a very nice 'outside weekend,' a little beach, a little hike {aka... Ross the Boss death march} and a lot of sleep {yesterday I fell asleep reading my Vanity Fair on the sofa at 7:20pm}. By the way... if you don't get Vanity Fair this months is especially fun with all the Hollywood talk, I have almost read every line. Oh and one more thing... isn't that Volvo on top amazing. It was parked in front of the beach on Saturday night when we went down to see the sunset. I couldn't stop myself I had to get a snap, especially with the lovely lady with dark glasses and white hair. I was 5 feet away and I could smell the old leather interior.
and here are a few random thoughts {that I keep finding myself thinking of} ~
1- a quote out of the new Vanity Fair... "Being born beautiful is like being born rich and dying poor" Joan Collins
2- from a chain email... "You can learn a lot about a person by the way they deal with a rainy day, the elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."
3- said by me at 5am to Ross as I was explaining a dream... "And that was the worst part about being in jail." In reference to a dream where Ross and I went to jail for being squatters in an old client's house... this just keeps making me laugh, out loud.


  1. happy love day to you ~ even though, I know love is celebrated every moment in your heart, home, and every where you go!

  2. a very special day for us...our 30 year anniversary! but we still feel like newlyweds :) so that's what makes this day extra special.
    Joan Collins has some wisdom on her side..kind of makes me smile that I was a late bloomer!

  3. Sigh, such gorgeous photos of the beach! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Alexis -- it really wouldn't be proper unless you finish it off with a grand dessert. I may head out tonight just to indulge in one myself.

  4. Okay, your beach photos clinched it for me. We're taking a trip to see the grandparents in La Jolla ASAP! ;)

  5. Happy Love Day to you too! I am so excited for Wednesday! xo Samantha

  6. Since I have known you I have always thought you were a great photographer, but your work has really evolved and I always find myself in awe of your talent. These photos are beautiful.

    I love the Joan Collins quote, and I want to hear more about your dream...and jail.

    Hugs and love to you!

  7. i can't believe you took that photo Lex! Although, I can:) So so beautiful. Such fun thoughts to mull and share too. Happy Valentine's Day. xo

  8. Happy Valentine's Day! 40+ degrees here in Chicago does not even come close to shorts on the beach. I must say, I am sooooo envious of your California life. Love the photos!

  9. wOWEE Lady - your photography skills are getting out of control - these are gorgeous ;) Hope you had a fantastic Valentine's Day and are feeling well!!

  10. Fantastic post, that photo of the Volvo should be printed and sold, you should really think about putting your stuff in a gallery!

    Your dream is hilarious and I LOVE the VF quotes. xo

  11. that volvo shot is amazing!



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