art barn clean up + a Post Script

Monday, November 29, 2010


There was so much going on this weekend that I didn't even take a moment to shoot any Thanksgiving photos. In a way it is symbolic of how this holiday has been for me. I feel like it came as fast as it went and on to Christmas. Doesn't it feel that way? As soon as Halloween was over I feel like they were playing Jingle Bells in the drug store. I digress... On Sunday I spent most the day in the Art Barn. For months and months fabric, paper, string, and projects have been stacking on top of each other so Sunday I took the entire day just cleaning up. I kind of feel like I was a kid, cleaning up my room before I did homework {the homework at task is all of my holiday projects I have in mind}. I actually want to spend more then 30 seconds in the Art Barn now that I don't have to shuffle through trash just to find my scissors {no joke I let it get that bad}. Let the Christmas Crafting Begin!







P.S. I wanted to follow up a bit on my last post. My girlfriend got her results back on Friday and she is completely cancer free!... sigh. Thank you so much for all of your kind words. I had people emailing me whom I only know through the blog world saying they were praying for her. WOW. Our prayers were answered. OH and I take it back; this year hasn't been a doozy. It has just been life and I am finding that every year 'life' seems to get a little more complicated and a little more serious. In fact how could I call it a doozy when I went to France, have amazing {healthy} friends, I am healthy, my family is healthy and I am madly in love with my two guys. I know I have many blessings to be thankful for. Thank you for all of your sweet comments. I truly hold out on your every word. I love when I hear from someone who has never commented and absolutely love when I get a comment from a friend. Thank you and thank you for making this year full of many moments of joy.


  1. I love seeing your art barn and of course hearing all the good news but I noticed your new addition through the window. Can you share more of those pictures soon?

  2. yes yes... I will start sharing our addition, promise ;).

  3. I'm so relieved and happy to hear about your girlfriend's good health.

    Love these photos of your Art Barn. So full of inspiration and beauty.

  4. Love the art barn pics!! Looks like such a perfect place for your creative juices to flow.
    GREAT news about your friend.

  5. I'm so there with you on the life thing...I feel like it's age-related? I spent a few years thinking if I just got through the next hurdle everything would settle back down and be easy again, but I'm realizing the hurdles are a permanent part of life that I have to accept gracefully (uh, working on that part).

    On a side note, how do you get your husband to put his boards away like that?? We have the ceiling thing too, but my guy just keeps propping his boards up against the side of the house ;)

  6. life is so unexpected. glad to hear your friend is cancer free. i too had a friend go through it this year and she is cancer free as of september. your art barn is awesome! xo

  7. I don't remember if I ever comment here, but I'm an avid reader and admirer.

    Your life is inspirational. thanks for sharing it with us.


  8. Amazing news, I'm so happy for her!!!

    I did some cleaning as well, it's so much better to be able to find things. I'm sure your crafts will be the cutest. xo

  9. So happy to hear your friend is well! And I must say I ADORE your Art Barn! What an amazing space to create in!!


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