there's no place like home.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I loved every second of my French General trip but so happy to be home. Here are a couple snap shots and more trip photos to come this week... if you can't wait a few of my trip mates have posted... here & here.


Lunch in our new room ;). The foundation was poured on Friday!


It has been rainy, cold and grey all summer but this weekend the sun decided to show and we enjoyed every bit of it.


  1. Thanks for the links to your trip mates blogs. I couldn't wait :)

  2. I love your photographs. They're so bright and vivid!

  3. So exciting that the foundation has been poured! Are you ok with the yard size? Sweet photo at the beach. I can't imagine how amazing it would be to be able to go to the ocean anytime you want. Enjoy your day.

  4. Home is always good!! Hope you are getting settled back in - it takes me forever just to catch up from a 3 day trip much less 10!

  5. Your blog is wonderful, full of beauty and inspiration- I have really enjoyed my visit here.

  6. Welcome home! Can't wait to see pictures.

  7. 'East West Homes Best'
    of course home is really where the heart is, but personally I haven't found 'my home location' yet. Have a few ideas and thousands $£'s still to make, yet hope to be 'settled' before retirement and grow old disgracefully...

  8. Love these photos. Nice to see that you're back in the North County mix:)

  9. lovely photos, that's such a good feeling - going away and loving coming home;) got your postcard, so cute, thank you. can't wait to hear more...xoxo

  10. ooh - those tacos look YUMMY!!

  11. You're from Del Mar!? Fabulous. I spent almost every summer of my youth staying at 1808 Oceanfront Blvd. The minute I saw those trees in the first photo I missed it.

    Great blog, happy to find it this AM!


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