In the clean out I found the milk glass jar on the right. I had been holding onto it along with 30 other jars that I thought one day I would put candles in and line the yard, beautiful but not worth saving all those jars for a 'one day' idea. I digress, when I found this jar I recognized the name Dundee Marmalade. I bought the one on the left at the Irvine Flea market years ago and it has been sitting on my sink ever since. I love that Dundee Marmalade has been around since 1797 and I love that even today {although not as beautiful as the original packaging} that they use milk glass for their jars when some of their competitors are using plastic.
I always have a jar of this in my fridge! It is the best! xoxo
i remember this jar from the irvine flea market!