- Organic, Wildberry Probiotic Smoothie {so so so good... I am loving this for a little snack and it is so great for staying healthy (meaning not sick) and for those of you on any sort of antibiotic}
- Apple Carrot fruit sauce Crushers {I am bummed that they are not organic but I am still in love because they are full of Vitamin C and some days this is the only veggie Henry gets + they are great for plane flights and road trips because they dispense themselves}
- Organic Free Range Chicken Tenders {I pound these out with my meat pounder (is that what it's called?) with a little salt, pepper, and a tiny bit of olive oil and throw them in the oven at 375 for 7 minutes and Henry thinks it is great... they can dip them in ketchup or whatever.... a healthy quick kid food}
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