I had dinner at my Nano & Nano's house the other night and one of the major topics of discussion was flour. So every Christmas my Nano & Nano make raviolis from scratch the recipe is from my grandfather's side and goes back to our family in Italy. This 'fact' would be hard to prove with modern day appliances like the Cuisinart which my Nano was sure that the new one they bought last year completely changed the texture of the dough. I digress... my point is the flour. So my grandfather said that this year was the first year in the 40 years that he has made raviolis from organic flour and he said that the raviolis tasted exactly how his grandmother made them, my great, great grandmother. He said that the organic flour is exactly like the type you would find in Italy. So he wasn't specific about the brand but I thought I would let you all know since baking season has commenced and it is probably time to get all new fresh ingredients for a new season.
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