11/12/2009 {importance of a date}

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One of the things that I noticed while going through Thelma's things {sorry I cannot promise that this will be the last time you hear about her} is the importance of dating everything and not just the month and day but the year {all four numbers}. You never know who is going to be reading your love letters or journal one day when you are gone and you have to give them the courtesy of a date {wink}. The photo is an autograph book that Thelma's mother had from her 'school days,' dated Dec. 25, 1893, 116 years ago {a little treasure that my grandmother let me take home}.

Reads: 'Maud. When you are far away And you have long forgot Proast one longing glance at this And read. Forget me not Dizzie Carman Woodville Cal Dec. 25, 1893'


  1. ...i don"t know about anyone else...but this is unbelievably moving........such beautiful lettering ...get out your calligraphy pens.....date everything! November 12, 2009 {wink} I'm not tired of hearing about thelma....xo

  2. thanks Christy... you are my biggest fan ;)... oxo


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