Here are a few tips to make your fruits and veggies last...
1. For the lettuce I always seal it in bags and only wash the lettuce as I use it. There are great Ziploc produce bags {I found them at Costco} and I always reuse them.
2. For the carrots I put them in a regular gallon Ziploc with water. This seems to keep them perfectly crunchy all week.
3. For the Strawberries I pick out the ones that need to be eaten right away and the rest I lay in tupperware, with a paper towel, unwashed. This helps them last up to 4 days, although they are so good they are always gone before then.
3. For the Strawberries I pick out the ones that need to be eaten right away and the rest I lay in tupperware, with a paper towel, unwashed. This helps them last up to 4 days, although they are so good they are always gone before then.
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