So before the weekend I thought I would leave you with the weekly TOP 10. This week I consulted Henry.
1. LOVE the Patagonia fleece. It has been washed 1000 times and still looks adorable.
2. If you have never seen these books they are a must read... Our personal favorite is Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus but we also are big fans of Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed both written and illustrated by Mo Willems.
3. Our favorite little canvas bag. Perfect for a couple diapers, a snack and a sippy cup. I have never seen two of the same bag you can get them at Solo on Cedros in Solana Beach.
4. The Video Monitor, a must for all parents (period).
5. The Play Pen... okay I know that most people think they are totally out dated and maybe even cruel but NO! The play pen is the greatest invention for children. All of Henry's toys are in there and he is happy as a clam cruising around 25 sq ft... this baby is not 'free range.' ;)
6. Rody, fun for the whole family... Happiness for mom because it is so cute I don't mind it in the living room and pure bouncing joy for Henry.
7. Seventh Generation Diapers, they work so well and guilt free.
8. I am so lucky Henry is such a good eater, he eats things that even dad won't touch. More beets please!
9. Quick snack & lunch almost everyday is a toasted AB&J {almond butter & jelly} yum!
10. Plan Toys, this one was a gift and such a beautiful design... these are the toys our grand babies will play with.
Love your top ten! I can't wait until I'm a mommy and you get to give me all sorts of wonderful tips:)